Once upon a time, children grew up learning the importance of saying “thank you.” It was more than just remembering to say thank you, it was part of developing character at a deeper level, the kind of character worth having—an ultimate comfort zone of self-respect.
Now, the majority of children are allowed to ramrod through shopping centers pushing everything in their path aside. The so-called character these children are building is called rude, inconsiderate and selfish, a trend promoted by parents with the same mindset—a trend that started slowly in the late ‘70s.
Think on this! What was once an ill-disciplined little kid is now a gatekeeper of sorts convinced the world is here to serve them—not the other way around. They’re takers not givers and hard put to think from any perspective but their own.
When my book was released earlier this month, I wrote thank you notes to everyone who had contributed in some way to its completion; in all, eleven people and their companies. Each of the eleven was recognized on the acknowledgment page. Eight of the companies, along with the person who had facilitated the help, were listed on the back cover and all 8 companies were discussed within the book’s text along with their QR Code® links.
My motive: To help my readers easily learn more without leaving the printed page which each of the contributors had helped me do. Time honored protocol was a given therefore to mail thank you notes to each person along with a free copy of the book and the book’s complementary bookmarks.
I felt excited just thinking about how surprised they would be to see their names and that of their companies promoted in a book! Except for Paul Hynek, EZ Numbers and James Choung, AT&T , my excitement met with a thud. I didn’t hear from anyone despite knowing USPS’s Track and Confirm service had successfully delivered every package.
What has caused this rude mindset to grow out of control? Is it the media that streams nothing but ingratitude while promoting the “poor-little-thing and give-me” as a way of life? What happened to gumption? What happened to get up when you fall down and go on?
What Happened to Thank You?
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