Saturday, July 17, 2010


When companies grow into giant corporations, rumblings begin on the ground floor where the front line meets head on with the public, existing or new customers and clients. The rumbling really doesn’t do much until it becomes earthquake size. That is, the giant corporation begins to crumble because an employee in the chain of command opted to change a policy, cheat a little or otherwise was a dumbbell that didn’t know any better.  "Dumb-decisions" are the weakest link.  And you know what always happens next!

A few weeks ago, a writer wanted to have her ebook published on Kindle, a task that isn’t as easy as it looks. Her "want" outweighing everything else in her world prompted her to visit Smart Site were converting mobile ebooks is simple providing the author or publisher was registered with Mobipocket/Amazon prior to August 31, 2009. This is clearly posted on Smart Site – something the writer ignored.

She plunged into a spectrum of publishing she knew nothing about and when it didn’t work out she went – well nuts! Before the hour was out she had filed a complaint with PayPal and left several uncomplimentary messages on our voice mail.

PayPal’s complaint notice along with a notice of payment arrived via email at the same time. It was the first Smart Site even knew the writer had tried to place an order for an ebook conversion. Once we knew, her money was returned IMMEDIATELY minus the $2.27 PayPal charged for the transaction, a policy that is also posted on SmartSite.

You’d think all would be well, she accepted her refund and we capitalized and bolded the August 31, 2009 message on Smart Site. Ha! This takes us back to the RUMBLINGS. Unless you’re prone to punishment and have all the time in the world to waste finding out how to communicate with PayPal – expect nothing.

No matter what we do or what we say or what we transmit to PayPal all we get is canned autobot messages from a brain dead computer that probably was programmed by a (guessing) techno-gatekeeper who does not have a clue about business, how to provide outstanding customer service and keep a company’s success roaring forward.

Prediction: PayPal is cruising for a bruising.
Solution: Delete the canned emails and move on knowing PayPal will trip over its own toes in due time.

Visit and discover SmartPlan with INKandLink then pick up your Free Lame Brain Dictionary for the Technically Challenged.

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