Monday, July 05, 2010


Famous or not, authors are responsible for 90-95% of their book’s marketing program – period. Self-published authors are responsible for 110%. Authors succeed when they have strong author’s platforms, if not, their book sales languish because:
  • The majority of authors lack contacts, promotional know-how, time and money
  • Solutions for selling their books are scattered among tens-of-thousands of resources – including books, teleseminars, webinars and writing conferences to name a few
  • Too expensive to get established - better known authors hire book publicist costing between $600 to over $6,000 per month
Incidentally, writers write but are not authors until they publish a book. And even when that happens , without a platform, fewer than 1,000 books of one title are sold - many times fewer than 250 books; bad news for everyone from the authors, publishers and distributors to the booksellers.

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