Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Writers often ask me what does an author’s platform look like? The answer is simple. Who’s your audience and how do you reach and sell them? Every genre is different. Let’s start with a simple successful idea. You’ll have to fill in the details to support your genre.

FREE LOCAL SEMINARS PRODUCE SALES: You’ve heard it a dozen times, “Join us for a FREE workshop Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Learn How To….”

A well-known financial planner did just this some years’ back beating his competition at the starting gate. He has since established a successful practice, written several books and become a favorite talk show guest.

HERE’S WHY: This sales-sharp financial planner …
  • Respects his audience; no bait and switch sales tactics
  • Presents excellent information anyone can use
  • Uses lay terms – no jargon or big words few can understand – For example: I recently read, “…generate these iframes with the noindex meta tag so they are not indexed in the SERPs.”
Hmm, I blame the writer who carelessly went into jargon-mode and the editor who allowed this to be published. You not only don’t want to fall into this trap but if you want to get your book published; this isn’t the time to prove how smart you are.

Visit and discover SmartPlan with INKandLink then pick up your Free Lame Brain Dictionary for the Technically Challenged.


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